APSS Career Building Programs

In cooperation with various private enterprises and government institutions the APSS is gearing up itself with a host of career enhancing activities ranging from capacity building training for personal development to advocacy skills for strengthening political parties, parliaments and government decision process in the context of new political set-up with the federal constitution of Nepal. The overarching goal of these proposed activities is to prepare young graduates for relevant jobs in political science and social science fields as well as to transfer skill of legislation, decision process of government, public administration and policy making, and hands-on experiences of management of private business venture.  

Following systematic skill transferring methods adapted from tested components from around the world, the selected participants will get benefited.

Following systematic skill transferring methods adapted from tested components from around the world, the selected participants will get benefited. No fee is placed considering the profile of participants and programs’ impacts. However, a prerequisite for potential candidate is that she/he should apply for APSS membership along with this application.  

For first phase (November 2021 – March 2024), three types of activity have been explored as a package:  

1.      Training workshop; (format, objectives, trainers & facilitators introduction, evaluation & monitoring
2.      Study visit; (format, visits & interaction)  
3.      Facilitation & report publication; (report format, samples facilitation)

Download Application Form for upcoming career enhancing programs of APSS. We will keep your data safe in our digital cupboard and will call you to offer programs for your choices.