- The APSS involves in scholarly research activities in the field of politics and development, and communicates them domestically, regionally, and internationally.
- The APSS promotes high quality teaching and education about politics and government, economics, political economy, sociology/anthropology, philosophy, culture, history and other social science disciplines.
- The APSS serves the public, including disseminating research and preparing citizens to be effective citizens and political participants.
- The APSS promotes the exchange of ideas and experience, mutual understanding, as well as the equal rights and opportunities among young generation across the country and beyond.
- The APSS takes necessary actions to increase the participation of young and new generation of population in society and decision-making process meaningfully.
- The APSS positively influence policy issues affecting citizens and general welfare of Nepalese society, by being a recognized institution among political stratum and civil society in Nepal and regionally.
- The APSS upholds intercultural understanding, democracy, respect, diversity, human rights, active citizenship, and solidarity domestically, regionally and internationally.