APSS Policy Debates

Policy Debate Series (PDS) is the periodic APSS event conducted twice a year, where two competing ideas and thoughts are contested followed by open floor interaction. Topics are chosen by the APSS CEC with recommendations of APSS Members and Advisors whereas current affairs and contexts observed through media and civil society have often domination over the decision. 

APSS Interaction with Senior Leaders, Experts and Administrators (GON Secretaries) on Local Service Delivery in the Absence of Local Elected Bodies (APSS Old Photo Gallery)

Lead political, academic, civil society, media and diplomatic figures supporting for and against the chosen topics are invited for lead presentation voluntarily, and some 50 participants various walks of society are attended for active participation. Arguments are observed on a set evaluation format and rated for award.

Substantive focus:
Policy choice, public choice, legislature issues, service delivery, public policy, justice and law etc.

Recently Accomplised Policy Debates

……. being updated, please check regularly.