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National Seminar on Disaster Management and Policy Practices

May 2, 2018 by James Wright

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On April 24th, 2023 (11 Baisakh 2080), a National Seminar on Disaster Risk Management Policies and Practices was jointly organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), Lalitpur Metropolitan City, and Association of Political Science and Studies (APSS) at Hotel Yak and Yeti in Durbar Marg, Kathmandu.

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May 22, 2018 by Letizia Biafore

Day Twenty Eight: The First Mountain Pass
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Jun 9, 2018 by Delinda Cammarata

What's The Future Of Blogging Platforms?
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The APSS is politically independent (but supporting a democratic and peaceful politics), scholarly association, established in 2001, supporting and encouraging the training, research, dialogue, roundtables and national cooperation of political scientists, theorists, practitioners, policy makers, journalists, researchers and students either in formal education or those interested in political issues and other intellectuals, across Nepal and beyond.

The APSS has nearly 2,100 members across the country, working relationships with Nepalese political parties, relevant departments of Universities and different academic and professional associations and unions. It has now 26 district chapters, and 43 locally-active youth groups have been affiliated to pursue APSS policy and programme formulation and implementation. Formally in 2006 the APSS got registered at local authority of Government with a Charter, the APSS is non-profit making and non-religious Association.

Apart from special programmes and projects the APSS stands for number of regular programs and events that are considered to be influencing national politics for more than a decade.

Political Rountables:

The APSS Political Roundtable is conducted very regularly in the capital city and the roundtables are part of the APSS’s slate of regular events and is designed to be a small meeting among 30 like-minded individuals to discuss various issues related to governance, politics and economy of the nation and region. Open exclusively to members of the APSS, the session features a short presentation by an invited guest, and includes a short question-and-answer segment. Thought-leaders and opinion-makers from around the nation and the globe are regularly featured in our Political Roundtable sessions.